Ten year old Archana a student of Amba Foundation’s non formal education program dreams of completing her education and becoming a teacher one day. However the harsh realities of life often forces her to face new challenges daily. Archana lives in a jugghi bastis in east delhi with her parents and four siblings. Her father is an auto driver and mother works as a house maid in nearby societies. The pandemic and frequent lockdowns affected the family income adversely and her father has been unable to cover the family expenses and is also unable to get treatment for his chronic liver illness. The pandemic caused school closure causing a severe disruption in the learning of Archana and her siblings. The family did not have an android phone and could not afford to get one, so Archana was unable to attend online classes from her school and from the Foundation. When Amba Foundation came to know of her situation it arranged a pre-owned tablet for her along with a monthly recharge data pack to help her resume her online learning. Archana was thrilled to get the tablet and is now able to attend her classes regularly.
Education for all